폴더 용량 체크 프로그램 Folder Size
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폴더 용량 체크 프로그램 Folder Size 1.9.5
다운로드 : http://xtrm.ipdisk.co.kr/_download/Folder_Size195.exe
Folder Size FREEWARE will analyze your hard drives and display the file sizes and folder sizes so that you can easily check the distribution of your disk space. The application will display the sizes of the folders and files and also the percentage of the total disk size that they occupy. The neat report can be sorted in order to identify the largest folders and the largest files. You can easily figure out which files or folders have filled up your drive space as Folder Size will also scan the sizes of all the subfolders. The application can scan your entire hard drive in minutes due to its optimized scan algorithms and list details on the tree size and file sizes. The progressive scan will let you continue the scan from the point of interruption.
Folder Size - FREEWARE (최신버젼)
| | 2.25 Mb | MindGems.Com |
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